Galleria Untitled X Neenah Paper

Galleria Untitled X Neenah Paper

Galleria Untitled x Neenah Paper

Neenah Paper promotional product

About The Project

This project was a paper promotional concept in collaboration with Neenah Paper, a paper company to show variety and excite their audience. Coasters were a great way to create something useful for the customer while also being fun. This project was completed with the help of Figma of Adobe Illustrator, custom packing layout, various printing processes, foiling, and die cuts.


The first idea was to do a book, but after some thinking, I felt I could do something more creative. I began realizing that apart from my design firm, Galleria Untitled, art in homes is something we promote. Doing coasters became a good idea because it matches my brand and promotes different types of paper.




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