San Diego Coronas

San Diego Coronas

San Diego Coronas

About The Project

I was asked to create a sport’s team in a city that doesn’t already have a team playing there and create branding, advertisement and a campaign around this sport’s team. It was important to reflect the cities values and culture with the design story.


San Diego has had two basketball teams that didn’t work out for various reasons, but one big one is that it didn’t reflect San Diego culture. Unlike the LA Clippers and Huston Rockers, it simply flows better and Huston has a large NASA base which makes sense for them to be the rockets. So what wold reflect San Diego?


San Diego was built on Hispanic culture. It was named by Saint Didacus who served as a missionary to the newly conquered Canary Islands. He is now honored by the Catholic Church as a saint. Religion, military, beaches, art, and culture run San Diego. The people there are strong but enjoy life’s highs.

wordmark San Diego Coronas logo
San Diego Coronas combo mark logo
San Diego Coronas lettermark


Home Uniforms


Away Uniforms

Campaign for Kids

Campaign for Kids ⋆

San Diego has had a large homeless population since covid began and the rise in teen crime, so we would hold a camp every summer. For about 2 weeks, the local kids come to the stadium and play basketball, meet the players, and make friends. By the end, they have a basketball game where families and the community come and watch these kids play and have a fun time together.




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